Family Activities


Build a Giant Marble Run or Water Wall

Designed for ANY type of FAMILY to join in.
Tuesday 19th January 9.00-11.00

Ready, Set, Go!!

Ready… Grab your team. Choose your location, materials and your “marble” size (basketball anyone?).

  1. Set… We start with a high energy team briefing including:

    • Inspirational ideas

    • Meet the teams (yup daggy team names a must!)

    • Set your family challenge (eg. a marble run that is: super long; high; heaps of chain reactions; it works!)

  2. Go… The timer is set and the challenge is on. Work together… everyone’s ideas are included… rapid prototyping leads to success… fun is the focus so cool it if tempers flare.

  3. Virtual Visit - One of our team will “drop in” during the challenge to offer feedback, support and to cheer you on.

  4. Or we’re on call if you need us for,…. well… anything really… technical advice, to mediate a dispute, to boost your energy, do a happy dance.

  5. Event Celebration to showcase your marble run, see what others imagined and created, cheer our successes and share our struggles.

Before the day:

  • We’ll send you an info pack with all the instructions and equipment.

  • A brief survey so we get a feel for your family and any specific supports you might need.

  • We’ll send you a few videos and ideas to get your creative juices started.

family visioning.png

Map your Family 2021 Vision

Wednesday 13th Jan 9.00-10.30
What are your family goals and intentions for 2021.

  • We start with an individual brainstorm of everything everyone wants to do, see, feel. There’s be LOTS of post it notes, quiet writing, crazy ideas, giggles and surprises (when my daughter was about 8 she wrote things like tickle Jasmine and we celebrated her playfulness).

  • After 5-10 minutes everyone places their post-its on the wall and we read each others.

  • I’ll take you through a sorting/grouping process to see what the themes are.

  • Then you’ll go wild creating a family vision board which encapsulates it all as a visual treasure map to guide you through 2021.

Start collecting: post it notes; old magazines, newspapers, coloured paper, fabric, glue, big cardboard sheet.